
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Let's Identify Cervical Cancer Early

So far I am confused by the labels disease affecting the female reproductive organs. There is a term uterine cancer, says there is also a uterine cancer, and then appears again the name of cervical cancer, coupled with cysts and myom. I'm confused, what's the difference of these terms. Here are the results of my search,,, (we discuss one by one) may be useful for you find that all..

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the cervix. Cancer that occurs in the uterine cervix. Namely, an area in which female reproductive organ is the entrance to the uterus located between the uterus with the vagina.

According to Wikipedia, or cervical cancer called cervical cancer is 99.7% similar kankeryang caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) oncogenic, which attacks the cervix.

The virus is a group of more than 100 related viruses that can infect cells on the skin surface, is transmitted through skin contact such as vaginal, anal, or oral sex.

Low-risk HPV virus can cause genital warts (genital warts disease) that can heal by itself with immunity. But in high-risk HPV virus types (types 16, 18, 31, 33 and 45), the virus can alter the surface of vaginal cells. If not promptly detected and treated, the HPV virus infection in the long term this can cause the formation of precancerous cells to cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is like an enemy in the blanket, his popular term "the silent killer". He moves without us knowing it. Live in our bodies for so long, and is detected when it was stage IV in which tumor cells have reached the bladder or rectal mucosa or the tumor cells have moved away or tumor cells has been out of the small pelvis. In this phase, cervical cancer has been difficult to treat.

Also called cervical cancer or cervical cancer, according to records the compass, was ranked first cancer in women in Indonesia. There are 15,000 new cases per year with the death of 8,000 people per year. Life expectancy of five years if the cancer is detected and treated at stage I is 70-75%, in stage 2 was 60%, in stage 3 live 25%, and in stage 4 patients can hardly be expected to survive. (Compass, 13.05.2007, rubrics family)

Intermittent 4 years later, in early 2011, Republika meberitakan a fantastic figure. Approximately 270,000 women in Indonesia die every year from cervical cancer or cervical. So says the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, Point Kuntari MPH.

"Based on the data, each year about 500,000 women in Indonesia diagnosed with cervical cancer. Of that amount, about 270,000 people died, "he said in Yogyakarta (Thursday 24/02/2011). In Indonesia, according to him, cervical cancer has become the number one killer of all cancers. Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer disease common in women aged 20-55 years.

The high number of victims of cervical cancer is caused by a lack of knowledge about cervical cancer. Based on a survey involving 5423 women in Asia and conducted in nine countries including Indonesia, the data showed only two percent of women who know the infection of human papilloma virus (HPV) is the leading cause of cervical cancer.

The low level of knowledge about cervical cancer is also exacerbated by low health concern we would, cause us to "sleep", thinks all is fine even though there are plenty of warning of the complaints in our genital area.

Warning Among them:
■ Vaginal bleeding
■ Pain during intercourse
■ Loss of appetite
■ Pain in the waist / hip
■ Indigestion include nausea or bloating that often / continuously
■ Changes in an irregular menstrual cycle
■ Experiencing an itchy and smelly vaginal discharge

So, what are the factors that cause cervical cancer? Broadly speaking there are two factors: natural factors and factor choice. Natural factors are factors that occur naturally in a person and no bias was rejected, namely in the form of genetic and age. You find that having a family history of cervical cancer should be vigilant. While this is not a major factor but the strength of the body to fight cancer cells has been declining. The second natural factor is age. The more advanced age a woman is, the more vulnerable is also affected by cervical cancer. This does not mean you find that the teenage years should be complacent. Cervical cancer can strike at teen-age women who ignore the factor of choice. Selection factor is the factor that can set yourself you find that, among other things:
# Multiple sexual partners
# Whitish is allowed to continue
# No attention to cleanliness miss v
# Smoking
# Wearing pads that contain dioxin

Well, my friends ... that is quite familiar with cervical cancer, then we will explore how the treatment and prevention. But, if there is additional info or questions, please comment, so that we can discuss together.. ^^

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